Got an email today saying the WDW Annual Passes expire in 15 days. For the heck of it, I clicked through to see what the renewal cost would actually be. Florida residents can renew on a monthly payment plan (which I knew) but turns out, when they do, there isn’t a down payment. (Which I didn’t know.)
Normally, it’s the cost of a 1-day ticket down and then $27/month.
Annual Pass
Adult 10 and Older
Total Price: $414.29
Down Payment: $90.53
Monthly Payment: $26.98
But because you save $37/ticket on the renewal, you no longer have a down payment and instead just have a slightly higher monthly payment.
Renewal Annual Pass
Adult 10 and Older
Total Price: $377.01
Down Payment: $0.00
Monthly Payment: $31.42
So FYI to any Florida Residents who might be coming up for renewal, there is NO down payment on your renewal tickets.