The weather finally got a little cooler and nice at the end of January, so we went over to Disney’s Animal Kingdom. The park is very animal-centric and has a strong focus on environmental awareness and responsibility as well as conservation. It’s a very lush park with tons of plants and foliage, but all that plant life makes it very hot in the warmer months so we normally only go in the winter. I haven’t gone since I got my DSLR for my birthday last May so I was excited to get a chance to take some pictures.
Here’s a few shots I took. Most of these were done with my Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4.0-5.6 IS II Telephoto lens. I got it super cheap last year on a combination of sale price and saved gift cards and it worked out nicely for capturing the animals from distance. Most of these were also taken from a moving vehicle on the “Safari†so I was quite pleased with the shots I got.
Click any image for larger!
- Silver back gorilla.
- Beautiful owl.
- White rhino and baby
- Lion
- Cheetah
- Zebra
- Flying Fox (A fruit-eating bat, it has the largest wingspan of any bat in the world – up to 6ft!)
- Meerkat
- Giraffe
- Giraffe reaching out to eat the palm tree
- Elephant
- The baby elephant was playing and flinging his trunk around!
- Lion on the prowl
- Tiger
- Tiger